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Base 2 is not special.

You do not "read" binary from right to left. At least in English, the most significant digit is on the left, just like any other base (e.g. base 10, base 8, or base 89432890432).

Also, for your leading 0, I would write: Bob has 23 apples, and I have 5. I wouldn't write: Bob has 23 apples, and I have 05. Base 2 is not special, so I wouldn't write 01.

You can also turn your order argument on its head: since the order of digits in base 10 is exactly the same as base 2 (most significant on the left), you could say that "As easy as 1, 2, 3" should actually be read as "As easy as 3, 2, 1", which matches your binary reading "As easy as 3, 2, 1".

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