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Internet Explorer 1.0's "About" box claims it is "Based on NCSA Mosaic": http://utilu.com/IECollection/img/iecollection_ie100_win40nt...

(Curiously, Internet Explorer 1.0 showed a version number of "4.40" in the about box.)

IE is (originally) based on NCSA Mosaic code, by way of Spyglass. Spyglass had nearly 70 or so vendors using the same code if I'm not mistaken.

The original source code of IE 1 can be seen (an Easter egg) in the video on our blog post (at about 40 seconds): http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2015/02/26/a-break-from-t....

More than 100, in fact. But in the end only one of those vendors actually mattered.

That's a really cool easter egg :)

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