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My team recently added a microservice to support our fairly monolythic backend service. The big challenge we found was that it takes a lot of effort to make a new (micro)service. We need to create a system of alarms (instead of relying on existing catch all defaults). We need its own test environment, we need to find ways to send traffic to pre-prod. We needed to figure out how to bootstrap the new service into the companies infrastructure. We needed to think about how the dependent service would authenticate against the new service. All of that on top of the core feature work.

All these things are good. You want isolated, focused test environments. You want tightly defined alarms. However we underestimated how long creating a new service would take. In the end we ended up pushing features out when they were ready but before the operational work was complete. Unsurprisingly we saw the issues we knew we wanted to protect against.

Better microservice franeworks that match the companies infrastructure would be helpful. Make building microservices cheap by building tools to speed up the process.

I've had the same experience lately. Coordinating a number of staging environments for an evolving SOA backend has been challenging for both developers and ops. In addition to the services, each one can have many other things to worry about: monitoring, error collection, which version is deployed to which environment, replicating the complexity locally to work on it...

Front End teams tend not like micro services, there is too much overhead in getting too little data. As an example we integrate with one micro service where get back a boolean and and a date. We have the overhead of an http call and all the error handling that goes with it for two pieces of data which would be better aggregated into another service. We story point an integration with a new service as an 8, but adding a new field (or two) in an existing API data structure is a 1.

I hope micro services is not just a new fashion in software and is actually useful ten years from now.

It is by no means a new fashion. In an interview from 2006, Werner Vogels (CTO & VP of Amazon) talks about it. http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1142065

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