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IIRC, the US believe is similar, however the title engineer can be bestowed by a company to an employee while they are working for the company.

No. There are no real restrictions on the title of engineer in the US. In some industries (health, civil eng.) you need a PE for public safety reasons but it is rare for engineers to have them in general. A PE can be hard to get in many places because you need at least one coworker with a PE who can vouch for your work. Without one it is an impossibility. A system like Canada's would be nice to have to eliminate the cheapening of the title.

Apparently, it varies from state to state which isn't a surprise.


>A system like Canada's would be nice to have to eliminate the cheapening of the title.

Are the egos of the "real" engineers really worth the additional burden of this regulation? At best, it stops people using a word that was coveted by others. At worst it means more regulatory hoops to jump through when there was no problem in the first place.

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