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You're less likely to get a H1B at a startup yes but it's not for the reasons you think.

For a company to apply to a H1B visa they have to prove they have enough financial assets to not get bust.

There are however several reasons why startups are not sponsoring H1B visas as much as they should:

-It's time consuming. It really takes a lot of time, most of the immigration law firm are not startup friendly and are using old schools forms and stuff.

- They are not educated on visas sponsoring. They just don't know what it takes and stuff.

I'm here talking from experiences

Don't forget that currently H1-B applications exceed the quota, which means you can only hire H1Bs in October, if you sponsor them the April before, if they get through the lottery (~50% chance). So your hire turns into a maybe-hire-in-six-months.

I wonder how that affects pg's views on allowing more H1B workers. (http://www.paulgraham.com/95.html)

The H1B program doesn't really help or address the need by startups for qualified employees.

It is actually alarming how 'anti startup' USCIS can be. Here are list of fraud indicators they released: http://www.happyschools.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/h1b-v...

They aren't anti-startup as much as anti-fraud.

Yes, my wording was bad. It's more like not startup friendly.

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