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I was getting ready to undergo a surgical procedure once. The doctor looked at my chart and saw I was (by title) a "software architect". He asked me to clarify. I described what the job entailed. He scoffed, "So you're not a REAL architect," as though I were inflating the title my organization had given me.

Didn't really give me any reassurance as he wielded the knife.

Well, your doctor did have a point. In most countries, "architect" is a protected title. Architects are required to register and they must meet very specific requirements. If a hardware repairs guy adopted the title of "Doctor of Computer-Medicine", I think most of us would find it silly.

Personally I agree that we should let real architects keep their title rather than muddy it with the confusing baggage of our business.

Hah. It's true. We're not real engineers either.

Did you tell him he wasn’t a real doctor because he lacked Ecclesiae declaratio?

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