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I use keepassx (https://www.keepassx.org/). Works well and I am able to sync it with ownCloud I have on a VPS.

Also, I only use my machines to log on to services, can't bring myself to trust anyone else's machine.

For android use, I have Keepass2Droid (https://keepass2android.codeplex.com/)

The issue with keepassx is sync conflicts.

If you modify a password on machine A and a different on on machine B, resolving the conflict requires manually exporting both to XML, manual merging, etc. It's a real pain.

Keepass 2.x handles merges for you just fine. The mono version of Keepass 2.x is ugly and a little clunky compared to KeepassX or the windows version of 2.x, but it's good enough.

     I only use my machines to log on to services, can't bring myself to trust anyone else's machine.
Unless that VPS you run Owncloud on is hosted on hardware you have under your own control, it is not on your own machine. The acronym VPS ('virtual private server') is a bit of a misnomer as it is not as private as it may seem since anyone with access to the supervisor will have access to your virtual-not-so-private-server.

If anyone wants to test out this setup, you can boot owncloud 8 onto a running box in about 30 seconds using this snapshot: https://www.terminal.com/snapshot/728c65da91ab44fd8616212385...

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