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It's saying to avoid processed foods. Most of the processed foods are animal related. Even the bread has milk inside.

Eliminate the animals and what you are left is plants. Simple.

I don't get the concerns around processed food. If I buy a bunch of apples and make apply jam (adding "chemicals") it's apparently bad now? Or if I process cucumbers into pickles?

"Processed" doesn't really tell you anything.

Correct. So instead of saying veganism, we should instead be saying real/fresh food... at least, based on this article. Not saying you can't be vegan, just that this article isn't saying that.

Milk is not a typical ingredient in bread. In this analysis of 2000 bread ingredient lists, it doesn't show up in the top 20.


As a home bread maker, I've never used milk. Occasionally eggs, or butter, but mostly just flour, water, yeast, and salt.

Bread itself is a processed grain.

> Most of the processed foods are animal related.

Source for this?

I'm talking in the context of this article.

I still don't see that argument in the article.

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