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Similar story on an entirely different model.

I bought an iMac 21" some years ago from the online store, received quickly via UPS. Bootup, start doing stuff, and progressively comes a yellow tinge. I call Apple Care, which places a replacement order. To minimise downtime, they send the replacement ASAP and order a return to be completed later. This means you get the new computer before you return the broken one. Nice, especially if you didn't use Time Machine (it was all new and shiny) and wanted to do a Mac to Mac transfer via Firewire.

The new one arrives, power on, and straight from the boot screen here's a yellow tinge, even worse than the first one. Round trip with Apple Care, order a new replacement, arrange pickup, go. Same tinge again, but more subdued, and it seems to be slowly going away, but how to be sure?

Not willing to take risks, I call Apple Care again, which orders a new replacement and arranges a pickup. Replacement arrives and now I have three iMacs on my desktop (of which two are due for return). Seriously. And that one, too has a yellow tinge. I call Apple Care again, and this time they say to me that while we could continue with this little game endlessly, that may not be the wisest thing to play what is essentially lottery. So they offer me to get my money back, plus a coupon if I were to order a computer again.

Forum searches learned me that there seems to be much less 27" affected than 21", and with that coupon I could now afford one. So after pondering the situation, I choose to go for it. The thing arrives and hurray, it's tinge free!

For the record, a few years later, the thing is out of warranty and I receive an email that the hard disk is eligible for a preventive replacement, for free, even if out of warranty. Yay.

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