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> But I think in the end, American audiences want to see the good in people, especially the main characters. If not good, at least some humanity.

Perhaps it's a misunderstanding, but when British people "take the piss" they're not trying to suggest someone is subhuman, it's more often than not just playing with the absurdity in everyday life. It's not done with malice in mind, we "take the piss" of ourselves as much as we do others.

It's partly a freedom thing too, you can slag off your mate to his face, and they'll do the same back to you, because you know you don't mean it. You really need to be comfortable with someone to do that though, wouldn't recommend it as an ice breaker. ;-)

Here's one American who gets it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU7L3D8Ndqo

I did once read a comment somewhere that said it's a British quirk to insult those you like while being friendly to those you dislike.

I could see how this might seem absurd to an outsider looking in. But, being English, it's definitely an observable idiosyncrasy for myself and my circle of friends.

I think that in the US this is primarily a male trait. Guys are supposed to make fun of their guy friends. But you'll never see girls doing the same to each other. The cool ones will do it to/with their guy friends.

I've read somewhere that there's no real appreciation and respect between two men unless they make fun of each other.

You are worse than a youtube commenter.

Edit: down voted... I guess some didn't get the joke

Nah it just didn't work for what you were aiming at, going about insulting random people is just that. People reading have no idea if you guys are buds or not so it registers as a legit complaint about the parent's comment quality.

Are you American by chance?

Don't worry about it. You still have valid things to say.

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