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Harmful Gotos, Premature Optimizations, and Programming Myths (videlalvaro.github.io)
142 points by nkurz on Feb 16, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 73 comments

Once I had to port a large legacy FORTRAN program to a Unix box. It was structured entirely with goto, no procedures, functions, or control structures - just thousands of lines of code with gotos. It was doing some complicated iterative engineering calculations, goto loops inside of goto loops, gotos jumping outside of the loops, jumping back in, etc. It was obvious somebody kept tinkering with it over the years, adding new gotos to make some new features work.

Very hard to analyze what was going on, very hard to refactor, very hard to reason about this program.

I was able to break out some parts into functions, and turn some gotos into loops, but for the most part it resisted my efforts.

This is what Dijkstra was complaining about - programs that resisted proofs because they were hard or impossible to decompose. He was not pedantic about goto.

You shouldn't worry about a goto here and there when it makes sense.

My problem with people who argue about gotos is that the original implementation of goto is so far removed from this era of programming.

It used to be you could jump to anywhere in many programs. That would be understandably annoying.

But I've never used a modern programming language that allowed you to jump out of the current function scope. In that case, there's only a small range of lines your goto can go to, hardly what the original essay was talking about.

Now if someone writes a C program with thousands of lines in main() and goto as the primary control construct, then yes, complain about it.

That's what I got reading Learn C the hard way, the author showed how small uses of function local GOTOs gave you very nice and clear failure mode. It even merged all exit points to one or two, making it easier to reason about.

Once I had to port a large legacy FORTRAN program to a Unix box. It was structured entirely with goto, no procedures, functions, or control structures - just thousands of lines of code with gotos.

I had to do something like that once. I printed out the program on fanfold paper, took over a conference room with a long table, and traced out the control flow with colored markers. I was able to fix the program. That was not fun.

I have never coded a goto in any language since the days of FORTRAN and assembler. If I need to bail out of the middle of something, I'll use a break or a return, even if this requires encapsulating a loop in a function.

Note that languages with nested functions facilitate programming without "goto". When you need to encapsulate something which may require a bailout, it's easier.

Rust does nested functions well. The compiler can tell whether a nested function references an outer scope and thus needs to be a closure. If the function doesn't, an ordinary function is generated.

The trouble comes when you need to clean up resources while bailing out. Exception handlers and RAII are great for this, but when you don't have such features available, goto is pretty handy:


If I ever had to add more resources or steps into the mix here, I'd be in a world of hurt pretty quick if I were using a complicated nest of breaks and if-else. One could forcefully encapsulate each step into a separate function, but then you start to trend towards a forest of tiny little trees that you're not even sure what to name anymore, and the overall structure of the function and what it's doing become muddled.

It's hard to do right. RAII handles initialization fine, but error handling in the destructors is hard. Raising an exception in a destructor seldom ends well. Go's "defer" has the same problem - what do you do if there's an error in a deferred call? Most languages with exceptions have problems in this area.

Python's "with" clause seems to be the best solution so far. The "with" clause calls __enter__ at the start and __exit__ at the end. The __exit__ gets called no matter how you leave the "with" clause. This includes exceptions and returns. Importantly, there are parameters to __exit__ which provide information about what's going on when an __exit__ is executed because of an exception. Exceptions in __exit__ can be handled and passed on, even for nested "with" clauses. Writing a proper __exit__ is a bit tricky, but that's typically done only for standard resources such as files, connections, and locks.

So nested error handling via exceptions can work well if the scoped open mechanism ("with") and the exception mechanism play well together. It took a decade to get that retrofitted into Python, but in the end, it worked well.

Rust's error types are sound, but result in rather bulky code. I've written on this before.

> Rust does nested functions well. The compiler can tell whether a nested function references an outer scope and thus needs to be a closure. If the function doesn't, an ordinary function is generated.

This isn't quite right; a function declared with `fn` is always a plain function (i.e. never a closure) whether or not it is inside other functions. It's an error to refer to variables in outer scopes.

"Functions" declared with `|...| ...` are always closures, but there's been a few discussions about allowing such functions that capture nothing to be treated as function pointers too (not implemented or formally proposed, yet, though).

> traced out the control flow with colored markers. I was able to fix the program. That was not fun

Aren't there tools which can help with this?

The way to understand a program like that (and likely also the way it was written) is to draw a flowchart.

Having done a lot of work in Asm, in which the main control structure is essentially a goto, I think it's something you just get used to; and often, I find that some algorithm which I've designed on a flowchart requires one or more gotos to implement in an HLL and I can't eliminate them without introducing more complexity, so they stay. In particular, algorithms based on state machines and related techniques tend to be quite "gotoful".

It's a bit sad that flowcharting isn't taught more these days, since I think it can lead to some really elegant and efficient algorithms and is, after all, how the machine actually works.

Also worth noting that Knuth's TeX, which is widely considered to be an example of highly efficient and bug-free code, contains quite a few gotos.

Regarding flowcharting, I find it's all but impossible for me to understand the nature of any complex decision-making process without drawing some kind of diagram. It's actually more difficult to diagram a process than it is to sit down and implement it in program code, but also the very act of diagramming the process exposes flaws in my understanding which would be much more expensive to fix were I to expose them during the debugging process.

Regarding gotos, I think a more general statement would be "excessive reliance on one type of control structure is to be considered harmful." Avoid dogmatic preoccupation with general statements about avoiding language features.

My first paid programming gig, at age 18, was porting a DEC VAX BASIC text-only application for generating manufacturing control plans to Visual BASIC. If I recall correctly, some of it was structured using subprograms, but the vast majority of control flow was done using GOTOs. I kept most of the existing logic intact, but factor it out of the menu-driven interface and convert the control flow to higher-level abstractions. Fun times!

> Once I had to port a large legacy FORTRAN program to a Unix box. It was structured entirely with goto, no procedures, functions

Sounds a lot like FORTRAN IV. From what I remember of that version, that was pretty much all you had.

The author would have done much better if, rather than poking sticks at those who wish to forbid gotos, and posting vague and generic quotes about memes and cargo-cults, they had provided several examples of code wherein the use of gotos was a decided improvement, in terms of speed and clarity, over the best that could be done without it. Anyone who has read code that has been twisted out of shape, or entagled with unecessary "done" flags and the like, and who can be improved with such remonstrations, will recognize the virtue in this point of view.

>The author would have done much better if, rather than poking sticks at those who wish to forbid gotos, and posting vague and generic quotes about memes and cargo-cults, they had provided several examples of code wherein the use of gotos was a decided improvement, in terms of speed and clarity, over the best that could be done without it.

He would have only done better by doing that if his goal was to merely educate people that goto can be good too.

Which is very far from being his goal.

Would you think http://bit.ly/recurse-iterate does an okay job of working toward that goal?

In C, goto is useful for jumping from various parts of a function to a single section of resource-cleanup-and-return code. I might also use goto as a way to break out of a set of nested loops. I think those are both generally accepted idioms among C programmers.


> Only because C doesn't have proper control structures for doing otherwise.

Yes it does: it has goto, which works absolutely fine for both purposes.

I did not cite C as an example of ideal code style or convention.

There was a similar blog post a while back about the standard deviation in statistics. About how when the SD was discovered, the original paper was full of disclaimers that the SD should only be used by statisticians working with perfect distributions. The squaring would amplify the natural outliers present in real-world data and make the SD too dangerous to trust. And yet we use the SD for everything, even though the original reason for it (a computation shortcut to save hand-labor) is pretty much meaningless.

I have a copy of the original paper but the paper lacks the historical perspective of the post. I've never been able to find that blog post again. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?

Probably not what you refered to but close enough?




Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Standard Deviation The notion of standard deviation has confused hordes of scientists; it is time to retire it from common use and replace it with the more effective one of mean deviation.


The Gorard one looks very familiar and is old enough too. Going to go with memory rot changing my other details. Thank you!

As I understand it there are good reasons the SD is often more useful. For instance, if you are dealing with a large number of samples from your distribution, and want to apply the central limit theorem, it's the SD, not the MAD, that you need to know.

I kind of remember SD being used because it has the same units as the samples in the distribution.

Nope. The alternative (mean average distribution) also has the same units. The problem with the MAD was that it used an absolute value and so introduced a discontinuity. If you are a mathematician working with a system of equations, each discontinuity doubles the size of the system when taking integrals/derivatives. The SD was a clever hack to hide the discontinuity. It makes the mathematician's job of juggling equations much easier by changing the workload from O(n^2) to O(n). If you are not doing calculus on the system then the SD has much less utility. Negative utility even, because the square/square-root hack used by the SD is identical to the MAD only for perfectly normal distributions. For real-world distributions it tends to give wrong results.

I've always stuck to my guns with goto, and will continue to do so. Any sufficiently large C codebase will have some areas where goto makes the code cleaner, less error prone, and easier to refactor (most commonly in error handling code).

Goto is the only way to cleanly and concisely implement state-teardown in exceptional conditions in C. The alternative is endless code duplication or to bloat your code with huge numbers of tiny functions with complex cascading call semantics.

goto is merely a tool that got a bad rap simply because it has its roots in basic assembler, back before structured programming was a thing. I agree with you regarding its use, but I'm still surprised by just how many seemingly educated programmers jump onto the "never use goto" cargo cult because of a paper title that they misattribute to Djikstra.

Ironically, from the code I've seen, I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually misuse goto, probably because the people who use it actually know what they're doing. That's just anecdotal on my part, but still.

    Ironically, from the code I've seen, 
    I don't think I've
    ever seen anyone actually misuse goto, 
    probably because the people who use it 
    actually know what they're doing. 
    That's just anecdotal on my part, but still.
This no longer is just anecdotal. An empirical study on this just got linked to on Slashdot the other day. http://developers.slashdot.org/story/15/02/12/1744207/empiri...

> I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually misuse goto

I've lived through the 80's, when 8-bit Microsoft BASIC was a popular programming language. Misuse of GOTO's was quite common, albeit unavoidable.

If it was unavoidable, what made it "misuse"?

Worse case, imagine a GOTO at the end of each line of code.

There was no lexical scoping in BASIC [1] (and all variables were global but that's another topic) so one could literally GOTO any point in the program.

[1] I'm talking about the BASIC one found on most 80s home computers at the time.

> Ironically, from the code I've seen, I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually misuse goto, probably because the people who use it actually know what they're doing. That's just anecdotal on my part, but still.

I've misused goto at least once in the brave new world(tm) of structured programming. That said, once the cleaner way to do things occurred to me, I refactored it away immediately.

How large is "sufficiently large"? Usually I write error handling code that could use goto as a state machine. This makes the code much more readable because the whole activity should have been a state machine in the first place. (Teardown and clean up is merely another state.) Needing to use goto for foo typically means foo was an afterthought.

Occasionally when I feel I need something goto-like in very small code I find it is more cleanly expressed as a `for(;;){}` loop with either break or continue as the jump points.

I'm not saying goto is never a good idea. I just want to see a single good example.

I grew up coding in line-numbered, Disk Extended Color BASIC on a Tandy Color Computer 3 for a number of years, before graduating to QBasic.

The thing I look back on about "goto" and "gosub" is that, within the confines of what those simple control structures offered, much of my code wasn't actually structured that differently from what I would go on to write in more procedural languages down the road.

If you factored out most of my programs into pseudocode (allowing for limitations like global-only scope); the result would pretty much look like any QB or C program seeking to tackle the same problems, with main loops, clear procedural calls, etc. It was even idiomatic in those days to reserve a var or even a point in memory to take that gosub's "arguments".

The result of which is that when I did move up to QBasic, it was a pretty simple, easy transition, because it basically just allowed for a cleaner way of writing in the style I was already hacking together with DECB's primitive tools.

Good programming patterns emerge because they're the most efficient way of doing things. Goto is just another tool to do what a body needs to do.

I don't think BASIC is even capable of expressing what programmers do these days. Maybe top-level app cut-and-paste logic. But not anything complex like libraries and data structures etc.

Have you looked at modern BASICs?

Wow, the comments on this post really do sum up his points in this article. The whole article isn't about goto at all, but about programming myths and how they perpetuate and how HN is just allowing us to be more lazy by only reading the titles to posts. Why is nobody discussing the actual intent behind this article, which is how myths and, slightly related, programming myths begin and propagate throughout our education and culture.

Instead, ITT, gotos are bad and here's why, gotos are ok and here's why, gotos are good and here's why.

Suddenly, I feel like I should spend a heck of a lot more time reading classic papers, books etc.

This was a fun read, though I am unsure of what the conclusion really is. Even Knuth ended by going on about how he probably wouldn't use goto statements. He just likes building a foundation of really fast/efficient techniques.

So sure, many of these things are mythical in scope and lore. But... the gist of many of them are not so misunderstood as to be wrong.

I guess the point is that discussions like the linked github issue (https://github.com/igorw/retry/issues/3) should be over after 2 comments, not after a 196 comment flamewar. If we criticise some programming technique we should first ask ourselves if that technique is actually harmful in that context.

And then there's of course the greater narrative about the state of the industry, people chasing easy mantras instead of computer science, programmers ignorant of programming history, cargo cult programming etc.

a good discussion on "goto considered harmful" here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46586/goto-still-consider...

in short, it's not a golden rule that some people seem to think it is.

I'm curious about the statement: "For example, more often than not we see blog posts by people claiming to have beaten the CAP Theorem. A mathematical theorem…"

I've never seen any actual mathematical proof of CAP - only a great deal of ( mostly well founded ) engineering conjecture.

Has anyone actually produced any mathematical proof of CAP?

Has anyone actually produced any mathematical proof of CAP?

Great question!

This presentation, linked by the article, explains the misunderstanding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp08EmQtP44#t=1273

The paper you are looking for is this: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=564601

Also available here: http://webpages.cs.luc.edu/~pld/353/gilbert_lynch_brewer_pro...

I think not. I agree with the OP's general thesis, but he gets a lot of details wrong.

I have cited Dijkstra's paper several times of late. Usually, it's because of asynchronous callbacks and the new paradigm of nesting callbacks many, many layers deep until state, thread-safety, and side effects become almost unmaintainable.

Many believe the problems are solved when nesting is concealed using named functions. It alleviates deep indenting, but it may make the code jump around while still dealing with shared state, propagating errors, and threading issues.

I have argued that callbacks are becoming the new GOTO statement-- useful in some contexts, but frequently overused in ways that were never intended. The result is "spaghetti code" that is difficult to follow and maintain. This paradigm has led to the popularization of the term "callback hell."

I think there are extremely few cases when goto is justified in C++. Unlike C, C++ provides plenty of mechanisms to cleanup when exiting a function early. And as for breaking out of multiple loops, a "done" variable is not that bad.

Also the premature optimisation quote is not taken out of context, unless he doesn't think "premature" means the same as everyone else.

It's the extreme that people take that quote to that causes the problem. He explicitly mentions library development as a place that you always want to optimize, because libraries are often used in inner loops.

When developers totally ignore optimal code practices, bad things can happen. Things like 25000 (!) string allocations for each character typed in the Chrome "omnibox". [1] That's not likely one small bit of code with a few std::string's being allocated, but probably dozens or hundreds of (albeit minor) fixes spread throughout the code.

It is absolutely worthwhile to code optimally as a habit, when the optimal coding practice isn't significantly harder to implement or understand than the suboptimal practice. (In the above case, having a "pass all strings as const references" would have likely prevented most of the allocations.)

Similarly, the way you architect a product can strongly influence how easily it can be optimized. I've cut processing time down from 10's of minutes to under a second on some tasks, just by improving how the code was written -- and that approach means that when I write servers, I can handle all the likely traffic I'll ever see on a handful of servers instead of having to create additional layers of complexity to handle dozens of servers working in parallel.

So I disagree that "premature" optimization is a bad thing, by the typical definition of "premature."

[1] https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!msg/chromiu...

I think the point is that you can optimize while writing code, but be leery of optimizing while designing. To a greater or lesser degree depending on the person, task or goal, designing and coding may end up being close to the same thing, which confuses the issue.

In real terms, writing perfomant code is good, but packing data structures in interesting ways and optimizing in other manners when you aren't even sure you know all the data you need to store yet is often counter-productive.

I think optimizing while designing is totally appropriate. In fact you can make some of the most powerful optimizations at the design stage, with almost no additional effort required.

Should you go down a rabbit hole, spending hours optimizing something because you think it might help? No, of course not. To my reading, that is what the warning is about.

But when you're designing a system, especially one that you know needs to be fast, should your design be optimized from the ground up? Yes, in some cases at least. [1]

When I code, I choose to use languages (C++, Go, LuaJIT, JavaScript/Node) that allow me to write code that ends up faster. Some people will cite "premature optimization" based solely on that decision, and they'll write their code in Python, or PHP, or Perl, or Ruby. [2] Since my servers will handle 3000 user interactions per second with no caching, I still contend that this is an appropriate stage for optimization.

I've seen projects fail because the server requirements were too high: 100 concurrent users per Python-based server on a free-to-play game meant that if the app took off, it would be losing money because of the costs of running hundreds of servers. You can't just "optimize" the app if the problem is you need to rewrite it in a completely different language. Computer time in the cloud may seem cheaper than programmer time, but in practice if you pay the programmers up front to do it right, you can cut ongoing operating costs indefinitely. And sometimes that can mean the difference between a project that succeeds and one that fails.

[1] http://gamesfromwithin.com/data-oriented-design

[2] It looks like at least Ruby has a server that uses a similar strategy to Node or Nginx+LuaJIT: http://www.akitaonrails.com/2014/10/19/the-new-kid-on-the-bl... -- but Ruby and Rails are ugly for a million other reasons, in addition to being slow, so I still would shun it.

I would contend that in the successful cases where you are optimizing from the beginning, you are actually doing a two stage process, one design stage where you figure out what you need, and another where you figure out how to do that efficiently and fast. To some degree, it's semantics (when is optimization not design related?), but my point was that optimization before nailing down the requirements for that component is what leads to problems. I think that's the premature in premature optimization, when you spend time optimizing something you aren't sure will even survive a later point in the design stage.

> I think that's the premature in premature optimization, when you spend time optimizing something you aren't sure will even survive a later point in the design stage.

That's true enough, though it doesn't seem to be the original point, since the context refers to optimizing parts of the code that aren't taking most of the time.

Which is a danger, but I think the danger is in wasting time on such optimizations, either up front or through increased complexity.

I use Ruby and love it. I've never had to write anything truly performant with it, but I will enjoy the challenge of writing a C extension when the time finally comes.

The reason I love it is because it offers really, really powerful ways of handling crazy amounts of abstraction. I'm absolutely willing to pay a performance penalty if it means I can, when I really start to need the performance, refactor the code in a day to where I can replace the needed bits with a C extension, and then spend the next day writing said extension.

Assuming a C extension is even called for. For something like a server, what I would do is, with Ruby, nail down the one thing that server needs to do, say, take requests and write them to a database. Then write that exact server in short and sweet Go or C++.

In fact, I can easily envision a time in the not-too-distant future where the broad strokes of my coding practices are set down and I'm down to refining them so they work faster and better, working towards a clean mix of Ruby and C where I can refactor concepts into and out of both languages as needed.

With Ruby, I can spend less time implementing and more time thinking hard about my domain model. Ruby is not ugly to me, it's incredibly beautiful, particularly its object model. It's great because I can write ugly code to make something work with an eye towards making it easy to clean up later. When I write something ugly, I know that there's a domain concept that is going to need to be let out at some point, the wonderful thing is that I don't have to do it immediately. Ruby lets me manage a monstrous mess of interrelated concepts and abstractions, manage the process of starting ugly and iterating towards clean. And I can do it all by myself.

I see nothing wrong with choosing to start with a faster language if that's where your skills lie. But you can pry Ruby from my cold, dead hands. Does Ruby scale? I wouldn't want to try with anything else. It's not just connections per second that needs to scale, it's everything else too.

I love the idea of Ruby. I was using Ruby before Rails, and it was my favorite language for a time.

But I write code in LuaJIT that's typically as clean as or cleaner than the equivalent Ruby code, as well as already approaching the speed of C, so I don't even need to rewrite it to be performant later.

But by all means, if the tool works for you, use it.

Most people take it to mean "Don't optimize if you don't need to", but he actually means it as "Don't optimize until you know which parts are slow". The missing context is where he talks about (or implies, it's been a while since I read it) how you should always optimize your programs when you're done.

IMO these days even the first is bad advice if taken literally. You need to ensure you don't work yourself into a design that cannot be optimized without being rewritten, which is unfortunately a problem I've seen a lot.

Actually, it is "don't micro-optimize until you know the parts that are slow".

You need to do design-/architectural level optimizations from the start.

Rules are meant to be broken. Once you have sufficiently understand the reasoning behind the rules, feel free to break them when appropriate. People being dogmatic about some rules just see all problems as the same nail that can be hammered by a single hammer. It's intellectually lazy to not analyze the problem within the present context and to see how the rules are applied or not applied.

Oh, this is a timely discussion. I just wrote an article on this topic: http://bit.ly/recurse-iterate. What I thought was good about go to statement was that it helps us understand how recursion works and how one can eliminate it in favor of iteration.

To decide whether to optimise/not optimise or use goto/avoid goto you need some amount of experience. Thus, people with no such experience resort to the rules of thumb (don't optimise, don't use gotos). From there it's a little step to trying to impose the rule dogmatically on the others.

Hopefully the article doesn't fall prey to exactly what it discusses.

I feel the same with syntactic sugar. Every feature added to a programming language it's a new source of potential errors. I prefer write two lines of nice code, than one line of magic tricks.

I don't think using goto decides if a person is a good programmer or not. Goto statements make a lot more sense at times and they are alot of times faster than alternatives.

I wouldn't implement goto in a new programming language. Not because it's never useful, but because it's only very rarely needed, and it's very existence means that it's easy to misuse it. Programming languages should be minimalistic and rarely needed features should be cut away. I've read similar reasoning from Eric Lippert when he was still designing C# features (which is not the best example, as C# is rather bloated).

Of course, the "should we use goto" question is different from "should we implement goto in new programming languages".

`it's very existence means that it's easy to misuse it`

However, few people actually do: https://peerj.com/preprints/826v1

To play devil's advocate, the very example in the article is a misuse. Not only is a difference of less than 1% in code speed insignificant (local timings), but a do...while loop displays the intent (looping) better.

In C at least. Anyway, that's probably due to the significant amount of discussion about goto. Perhaps "ironically" goto is a good feature only because it's criticized enough so that it's typically used correctly?

> Perhaps "ironically" goto is a good feature only because it's criticized enough so that it's typically used correctly?

there are no good/bad features, there are only good/bad programmers.

>Programming languages should be minimalistic

If we follow this to its extreme, everyone should switch to Brainfuck.

The complexity contributed by a feature is partly a function of how unintuitive it is. "Goto" is so intuitive that it's essentially free, in the sense that it doesn't really increase the cognitive burden of the language. (If misused, it can greatly increase the cognitive burden of individual programs in the language, of course.)

>If we follow this to its extreme, everyone should switch to Brainfuck.

Yeah, we shouldn't.

Author states that Big O notation is to measure algorithmic complexity, that's simply not right. It is to measure runtime - a completely different metric.

The article states that Big O notation is used to analyse algorithm complexity and that's correct - it's to analyse the time complexity of an algorithm.

It can also be used to analyze space complexity. So generically saying "complexity" is also correct.

Even then, it is better to say that it is used to compare multiple algorithms on complexity.

Also, one of the things I found actually reading TAoCP is that in pretty much all algorithms, he gives a full instruction count of everything. So, it isn't like these preclude each other.

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