I've been given a $2K budget from my employer to spend on training, books and/or conferences. I currently do Web Development (mostly front-end) and was looking for suggestions on what to spend it on.
My long-term goal is to work for Microsoft or Google and wanted to learn more about the fundamentals of algorithms and data structures. But I wouldn't mind to learn more about whats coming around the corner in the world of front-end development since things are changing and advancing so fast.
Thanks in advance!
It could be the Sophomore level Data structures + Basic Algo course or a senior level Algorithms, wherever your comfort level is. Since you mostly do front-end development, this could bring serious depth in your computing skills.
For most CS programs, the data structures and basic algorithms course (typically at sophomore level) forms the backbone for most of the curriculum. If you didn't go through a CS program, this is the most important component that you might miss on.