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> * Usability first: no matter what, don't break the predictable meaning of image names.

Give up any idea that you have control over this. You don't.

As a user, I don't want you to have control over this, because it is directly contrary to my interests to not be able to redirect requests for "docker pull ubuntu" as per your example, to go somewhere I have full control over, so that I can choose to get exactly the image I expect matches the "ubuntu" image name rather than whatever the index will currently return for that name, and do so without having to change every reference to that name to something relative to my own registry.

You can make this hard, and have it continue to annoy users, or you can fix this, but this is a the biggest usability problem with Docker to me the way it stands now.

I find it hard to take you seriously when you claim usability first, and then claim that there is predictable meaning of image names: That is only true if you by "predictable meaning of image names" means "I don't really know what I'll get". This is especially true because of the lax use of tags all over the place.

The irony is that your "key technical requirement" for "flexibility over time, step 2" is far more important with the current situation than in actually would have been if we had the flexibility you describe for that step:

If Docker provided that flexibility today, then I could have easy complete control over exactly which images gets accessed if I wanted to. Instead I need to resort to firewall rules and/or DNS hacks or changing the source if I want to prevent accidentally pulling in images different than what I expect.

> this is a the biggest usability problem with Docker to me the way it stands now > You can make this hard, and have it continue to annoy users

I have to respectfully disagree. From my experience talking to many many Docker users, this is definitely not a usability issue. To achieve what you want, literally all you have to do is give an explicit name to your own Ubuntu name, under a DNS name you control. "docker pull mydomain.tld/ubuntu" will work out of the box, and you have full control over what goes in there. The overwhelming majority of Docker users have no problem with that. It's exactly how the Golang packaging system works, for example. It's also similar to the jar naming system with its mandatory reverse-dns notation. With this system you get a consistent user experience across all Docker installations, and you get flexibility. Can you point to a specific usage scenario where you found yourself stuck because of this design?

So, I don't believe you are actually complaining, as a user, about a usability issue. I believe you are annoyed, as a fellow domain expert, that we designed it differently than you would have. I respect the fact that there were different ways to approach the problem of naming and discovering images. We made a design decision, and so far the users seem to agree with it.

There is also a usability benefit of this design which is not obvious, but has a huge impact. If we allowed fragmentation of the namespace, the first thing that would happen is that every OS vendor and every cloud provider would start shipping Docker with a modified configuration, to override the meaning of "ubuntu" to mean "ubuntu in my walled garden app store". I know this because all of them are busy pressuring us into doing it. If they had their way, not only would it not solve any usability problems, it would fundamentally break the experience of using Docker because "ubuntu" would depend on which walled garden your particular machine is running in. This would fundamentally destroy the value of Docker, which is interoperability.

This doesn't mean I'm happy with the usability of Docker's image distribution in general. There are definitely issues which I look forward to fixing. For example, image signature should be mandatory. All layers should be content-addressed. It should be easier to extend a registry to customize authentication. And the standard library images should be easier to mirror.

EDIT: in another comment you mention the specific problem of mirroring official images in production. I agree that is a real usability issue for ops. We will fix it. But I think it's orthogonal to what you suggest here, which is freedom to fragment the namespace (and I believe is not a good thing).

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