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Anyone who is tempted to believe that "we were just doing our jobs" should be a reasonable moral dodge should keep in mind that "I was just doing my job" is EXACTLY IDENTICAL to saying "I just did it for money."

Which really isn't that despicable of a stance; money is a dependency of survival (or at least survival with decent physical and psychological health) in all but the most anarchic environments (where money is trumped by "I have a gun and will kill you if you don't give me what I want, and only someone with a bigger gun can stop me").

There are many cases where people have done something they knew was wrong, but were afraid to stop doing them (or refuse to do them in the first place) because the risk of not being able to eat (or - worse - their children not being able to eat) was far greater than the risk of being punished for committing such a moral atrocity.

This is probably not a reasonable context for IBM's actions, but to paint all people who "were just doing [their] jobs" or "were just doing it for money" with the same brush of indignation and scorn is incredibly unfair to those who actually needed the money.

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