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Insane? But Merkel says they are recovering well!

Oh and for under 25yr olds the rate is... 50%.

[1] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/5908da36-db09-11e3-8273-00144feabd...

Yeah, don't really want to play the nazi card, here, but I can't help to remember "Arbeit macht frei" when I hear that "Spain, good boy!, good boy!, keep on starving and some wonderful will happen, tomorrow, or maybe in forty years, trust us..."

Nobody thinks here that we are "recovering well". This is not only about the rate of unemployed, you need also to think about the quality of the new jobs.

An then you need to think also about different types of new poors. About 4 millions of spaniards could not afford an accurate household heating in 2012. ACA estimates that beetween 2400 and 9600 people have died prematurely in Spain each year those last years because, after the banks shamelessly steal all his life savings, they can't pay for home heating. More people that the victims of car accidents. Don't worry, Angela, just old useless people.


"Shamelessly steal all his life savings".

I'd like to hear exactly what you mean by this. On face value I'm assuming it's just hyperbole - complaints about inflation, or investments in property/equity which crashed etc.

History of a huge scam, that maybe not all people out of Spain know:

Actors: Rodrigo Rato, managing director of international monetary fund between 2004 and 2007. President of Bankia 2010. Goes public to stock exchange hiding a huge deficit to the investors whereas telling everybody that the bank is doing lots of money. The bank must be rescued later with 10 Billion Euro from the spanish workers I think. Bankia selled also preference shares to blind people, illiterates and old retired people. Most of them lost all his money and a lot of them lost also his houses.

Miguel Blesa: A personal old friend of Jose María Aznar. Politic and President of the supervisory board of Caja Madrid, that crashes and became Bankia.

and many others of course...


Bloomberg Businessweek listed Rato as the worst CEO in 2012


Meanwhile in Bankia, Blesa, Rato and other top officials where spending and charging to Bankia millions of public money to black credit cards given by himselves. The money from the spaniards was spent in gas, clubs, skying, wine, jewels, expensive clocks, restaurants...

And retired people were informed that his life-savings just dissapear "im-so-sorry-sob-sob".



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