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The threats actually accounted for 48 of the 63 months according to the EFF article that the OP linked to.


EFF's reporting appears to be contradicted by the (now public) sentencing memo. Orin Kerr analyzed it at length for WaPo a few days ago.

Strange. Almost every article I'm finding echoes the EFF's statement about 48 months, but Judge Lindsay's own explanation of the sentencing is as Orin Kerr says. I wonder where that 48 figure came from.


I think you've simply stumbled upon another illustration of how modern "journalism" works :-)

What was that quote about a lie traveling halfway around the world before truth has its pants on?

This is not the first time the EFF has done this, by the way.

To be honest, EFF isn't exactly the most reliable source on these things. They too are very very biased.

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