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Uptime for 2014 compared here: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2866950/cloud-computing/...

Azure had 39.77 hours of downtime, whilst Rack space had 7.52 and the winner (of the selected cloud providers was AWS with 2.41 hours.

I'm not sure how those figures were calculated though. These cloud providers are multifaceted. I'm not sure which parts if each's services were analysed.

Also, it is worth considering that one serious problem can distort these averages. AWS has a much more stable long term history.

In my opinion the competition is a good thing and Microsoft seem happy to support whatever framework or OS you want. Their node.js support is supposed to be pretty good.

The marketplace also enables you to get things like MongoDb clusters, etc which is competition for SQL Server. They seem to be interested in supporting customer interests rather than the old fashioned MS tech or die philosophy from back in the day.

Those figures are a combination of downtime across all regions globally. So it doesn't mean that any individual servers were down. The largest downtime was in Europe, with had 5.97 hours last year.

Factors for downtime were an update bug in November and weather. The bug is very unlikely to happen again. Outages due to weather really don't tell you much at all other than that they were unlucky. Overall, I would say the downtime numbers are not very useful.


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