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Be warned, I love Digital Ocean but they have been caught doing the same thing. Hosting blogs there that push any edges is dangerous.

Ouch.. I wasn't aware of that. Any other providers you can think of that are more free-speech oriented?

Not that I am aware of. Even the EFF prism break only lists one webhost and that webhost is invite only and you have to use their SSL keys (no thank you!). There is also riseup but again it is invite only.

It's a major issue because according to law, they have to be able to take down illegal content, but to protect themselves most hosts will simply take down anything even close to it. Where this gets dangerous is regarding non-court ordered claims of illegality, such as DMCA takedowns, claims of libel, hate-speech, etc.

I wish I had a better answer for you. I have though about trying to host via countries like Switzerland, but I don't want to have to use another countries host just to have free speech.

Honestly I'm getting to the point that paying for my own colocation of a server I control and is locked up would be the best way to go. Still have similar issues with the colo companies refusing to host certain content, but you have to pick your battles.

The other alternative would be to get business level service so you can host via your home ISP. If you try to do it with your consumer service they can find it and tell you that hosting content is not part of the agreement.

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