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Thanks! We ended up not recording the lectures this time around. I was playing with the idea of prerecording some videos MOOC style, but then ended up completely swamped even without them. Among the notes, slides, lectures, office hours, midterm design, coding assignments, project design, message boards, meetings, and various misc, running this class has turned out to be a stressful 100+ hours/week endeavor, and that's even with an all-star TA team by my side.

There have been some whispers of offering this class next year as a proper MOOC, in which case we'd definitely have videos. I'm just not sure if I'm up for it yet - I enjoy dissemination but I'm also starting to miss research quite a bit, and a MOOC would likely be the same thing or worse all over again.

Are you planning to offer it in non MOOC form (i.e. just teach it the same way, but presumably with less stress since you've already made the notes and assignments) at Stanford next year?

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