So in fact then fear has become the biggest motivator for both hiring and firing... no wonder the industry is in a mess.
Also in the building industry, the foreman may not be a carpenter by trade but at least he has some carpentry experience; in my time in the trenches too many project managers / bosses don't even have sysadmin experience let alone programming experience. Buzz word bingo, vague hunches, me too'ism, and voodoo psychology are used as yard sticks in the hiring process instead.
Your passionate, hand-crafted response gives me an indefinable but good feeling about you, tankenmate, and I'm on board with your approach! Also, I've learned from experience that people who use the phrase "voodoo psychology" are deeply analytical as well as trustworthy.
Also in the building industry, the foreman may not be a carpenter by trade but at least he has some carpentry experience; in my time in the trenches too many project managers / bosses don't even have sysadmin experience let alone programming experience. Buzz word bingo, vague hunches, me too'ism, and voodoo psychology are used as yard sticks in the hiring process instead.