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>Why do it if it feels wrong ?

I may well be mistaken but I don't believe this was the intended meaning in the quote. Do what feels right, that's not being disputed... but what feels right to someone who "sees the code" behind things in life is often very different from what feels right to the average/normal human at this point in time. Like how everyone loves a good comedian but if you ask any good comedian they almost all say you have to be kinda fucked up to embrace that life... I agree with you though, I don't thing it's wrong or fucked up, I think it's just different from the lives that most people believe to be everyone's status quo.

Amish people freak me out. I can't understand why you'd want to limit yourself to that set of strange ideals (roofers with cell phones who play angry birds on lunch break but they have to higher a driver because it's against their weird rules?) but I don't believe they are fucked up or wrong... they're just a quark of this strange existence... I don't want to believe it but I might be just like them if I'd grown up indoctrinated into that life. There is some beauty in every path if you choose to see it.

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