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Is Wheeler Auditorium in Zellerbach Hall or in Wheeler Hall? Startup@Berkeley's map says it's in the latter, but this and a couple other sources say it's in Zellerbach.

Ah, I've found the cause of confusion.

http://startupschool.org/, "Wheeler Auditorium" links to http://facilities.calperfs.berkeley.edu/wheeler/.

Which lists:


>Cal Performances

>101 Zellerbach Hall #4800

>University of California, Berkeley

>Berkeley, CA 94720-4800

However, this is just the mailing address for Cal Performances. It just happens that Zellerbach is another large auditorium/performance center.

Wheeler Auditorium is in Wheeler Hall. If you get confused where it is, it's near the Campanile (big clock tower).

Not sure who to be ashamed of more; my alma mater or the internets for reading comprehension and fact checking.

Edit: Now that I think about it, #101 is likely the box office at Zellerbach. We really should get a sign there that says: 'Startup School is at Wheeler Auditorium.' Map: You are here, Wheeler over there.

Hmm, I certainly didn't intend any confusion - I just grabbed the address from http://startupschool.org

If there is a better address I can list on eventgel, I would certainly be happy to do so.


Wheeler Auditorium is located in Wheeler Hall.

Thanks for this, I updated the address last night with the correct location.

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