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You could turn the lessons learned here into a service, something that you give a url and it will render it in all browsers known to man, then highlight the differences between the various renderings.

http://browsershots.org/ does this. Very poor execution. I would love to see a member of the HN community do better.

I love browsershot.org Don't agree about the poor execution. I think it's great.

I just don't like the design of the site and how you have to wait for an email. There is no instant gratification so there is room for improvement, albeit difficult to execute.

Wow, you're hard to please! ;)

Have you looked at how they have it set up? Your link goes into a queue for the servers that are called "Factories." It is a massive distributed computing environment like SETI where people volunteer their computers to take the screen shots and upload them to the web for you to view.

The founder of Browsershots is a member of the HN community: http://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=jcrocholl

But he is no longer working on the project himself.

One day I'll have an idea that nobody had before ;)

browsercam, browsercamp, browsershots, browserlabs, litmus, browserpool, ... there are quite a few of these now.

Here's a free service that focuses only on IE:


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