Wikipedia says that "Spiegel Online" was slightly earlier with a release date of October 25th 1994. Even the first with some conditions "the first online presence of an established news magazine, one day before the Time site".
The other being that Der Standard is Austrian, Der Spiegel is German, so you could say this is the first Austrian daily news site on the web? It's what their page says, too:
>Als erste österreichische Tageszeitung im World Wide Web (WWW) bietet Ihnen der STANDARD aktuelle Nachrichten und Kommentare
As the first Austrian daily newspaper in the WWW the STANDARD offers you current news and comments
Wikipedia says that "Spiegel Online" was slightly earlier with a release date of October 25th 1994. Even the first with some conditions "the first online presence of an established news magazine, one day before the Time site".