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The ad-lib appears to be included in the provided PDF.

Oh so that's the one, and that's this same presentation... Interesting. I for one, find the kicking out hardly justified.

Hmm, "ad-lib" -- given that slide, what did they plan to say? Anyway, it's interesting to me that the pics of mostly-naked men and ASCII Goatse hardly get mentioned, overshadowed by a verbal remark. Maybe the con has changed its policy in response, but did they preview the slide deck?

I don't know of any security conferences that preview slides. original research is presented regularly which means your hard work might leak by conference organizers who can't keep their mouths shut.

Alsp, many speakers are working on their slides and talk minutes before going on. These talks get finished notoriously late

Apparently they got in trouble for the ASCII Goatse too.

Yeah, if "got in trouble" == "it was mentioned in a few tweets", but mostly it seems focused on the trans remark. They quite literally assault the eyes of everyone in the room, and it only gets passing mention compared to a non-targeted[0], verbal insult to a certain class of people. Should the severity of an offense really be proportional to the oppression its victims are suffering?

[0] I mean they didn't point to a trans person in the room and say, "You're sticking out!"

And is pretty much a statement of fact.

"Sticking out like a white guy in a Mayan village" would probably have been non notable so I don't follow how it's offensive by switching the subjects.

Mentioning in minorities in contexts that aren't explicitly positive is pretty much a holocaust-tier offense.

Well, it isn't, but p.c. proponents certainly seem to make it seem that way. :-)

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