For inactive regions, I'd rather see LocalWiki put up a signpost in the form of "This region got a start with five articles and two contributors but hasn't been edited in six months - would you like to help renew this project? Here's some guidance about how to contact those existing editors, find new collaborators, and set up local editing meetups; here's where to share advice with fellow people also starting and reviving LocalWikis for their regions." (I think this is quite possible, and I should probably file a suggestion for doing this...)
Instead of sweeping the inactive wikis away, LocalWiki can use whatever is there to help motivate newcomers to contribute - to say "you don't have to start from scratch here." I find that LocalWiki's inclusive and neighborly attitude is one of its strengths, and I think it can build on that strength instead of needing to develop Wikipedia-style rules.
Instead of sweeping the inactive wikis away, LocalWiki can use whatever is there to help motivate newcomers to contribute - to say "you don't have to start from scratch here." I find that LocalWiki's inclusive and neighborly attitude is one of its strengths, and I think it can build on that strength instead of needing to develop Wikipedia-style rules.