Honestly, a complete list of phrases in there that were inappropiate and/or based on assumptions unsupported by my comment is:
"so ignorant it makes me sad" - yes it was ignorant, as i admitted and explained in why i used the wording i did, and certainly not an ignorance i cling to, so the sad part just comes across as a holier-than-thou ad hominem
"I guess it's hard for you to understand" - that phrase in its own is pretty bad
"I guess it's hard for you to understand the value of physical health, entertainment, mental, physical and spiritual development." - i had just come from the gym, don't think i need to say more to that
"This is something that people in these boards should value a lot more" - who says i don't, i didn't even say it was worthless
"sorry ... your comment made me feel sad for you." - both a non-apology and a needless ad hominem
Edit: I love how the downvotes on this only serve to demonstrate how some parts of this community actively loathe discourse in dialogue.
I don't get why you're being downvoted to oblivion. You were perfectly polite. So people disagree with you about the definition of martial art. So what?