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This is indeed a comment-baity article. It is fiction, those two people didn't really exist and do those things. It gets programmers/developers riled up - because it's so believable.

It is indeed the case that the characters are vastly different in terms of skill, and that is sort of the point. Alan did spend time developing his skills, but it was focused on frameworks and processes, and not effective programming or problem solving. Maybe he just didn't have the right start, didn't know what he didn't know, and just went the wrong way from there. But management, and Alan himself, can't tell the difference.

I think that's the ultimate take-away. Non-programmers and "bad" programmers can't recognize good programming, even if they look at results. Well they can, but it takes a lot of time and luck to come across comparable situations. It seems like an intractable problem. They don't know who to trust; and there doesn't seem to be a way to find out for them, except to be genuinely good at developing software... but how to know which way to go about that?

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