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> But practically, who's the audience for that?

Anybody that would benefit from re-using some of the lessons from functional programming such as side-effect free programming, splitting pure and stateful code and so on (though some of the examples could do this better than they do now it is a step in the right direction).

Python, PHP, Java, Ruby and C programmers could learn quite a bit from this.

It's a well-written and nice article, but just kinda weird in spots, saying that the code is more self-evident and readable, whereas I think it's sometimes making a language do something it only does with considerable strain.

Insofar as python is essentially pseudocode, I can get the appeal of writing non-pythonic python, but ... it strains it a bit to do this for such extensive use of lambda, the most awkward bit of syntax in python, one that almost always has more readable alternatives.

Any time I see a use for lambda (typically only with the functional builtins), I just write a function instead. Two extra lines are worth it for the readability alone. You can also reuse a function, which makes more sense to me than potentially writing the same lambda multiple times.

I do like that the author used Python, even if it was only for the purpose of pseudocode. Python is, after all, "executable pseudocode". It's also the only language I really know in-depth.

Interestingly, at least at the places I've worked at recently, that functional "style" or kernel of truth is being picked up by more and more PHP programmers. It's great, makes it far easier to test code.

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