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He also pioneered XP while working on C3, a project shutdown in 99. As I recall the customer representative quit through burnout and stress and couldn't be replaced.

Look, most of us dig agile, but all you really need is the four tenets of the agile manifesto.

When someone says agile, consider the source, the best practitioners aren't publishing books, they are producing working systems every day.

I used to work at a company, let's call it Beutche Dank, I was part of a program that has spent millions of euro developing specifications, that amounted to little more than power point presentations. One of the Business analysts, nice chap, says to me, "Your going to deliver this using Agile right?". He didn't realize that they had already compromised the delivery, but they had followed every instruction of the 'agile consultant' they had hired, they just forgot to include the people that really add value, the development team. You either understand this stuff or you don't.

We need project managers, but they should not outnumber the engineers, we need engineering managers but they better be engineers. If you have directors of technical programs who are not technical, get rid of them.

It is the guys and gals writing the code that are of the most value to you, make everyone who deems themselves above these people justify themselves.

OK enough orthogonal ranting, got to go write me some tests, oops I mean compile my code.

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