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If there is a second sequel to this story, it's that the one guy goes on to start a successful company, and the other guy is entrenched in the politics of his company.

I think this would be a better comparison if space invaders was left out. Or perhaps if it were, "he scribbled for a while, then played space invaders, then scribbled some more.", as opposed to him starting with nothing but space invaders. The other guy began by inventing problems rather than solving them.

It comes down to, a direct, though outwardly puzzling, solution that is apt VS. an indirect, political, frustrating(for everyone), bloated, slow solution.

If it weren't a programming department, and it were two different companies, survival of the fittest would kick in, and the better faster guy would be more successful. And, it has. We now learn from the successful companies that are similar to the space invader guy and it doesn't seem so weird. The fact that people were catching on to this idea in 1985 is pretty striking.

This is anecdotal and doesn't really teach the bigger picture. It's also not encouraging, as it doesn't lead the user to the correct path of action.

It really needs a second sequel where the space invader guy goes on to be wildly successful to be a good story.

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