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De-listing of Chilling Effects Home Page from Google Caused by Mistake (chillingeffects.org)
67 points by tanderson11 on Jan 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Wow, that was page after page of explanation and they didn't even say why they did it. The closest they came is some sort of weird double speak about striking a balance with the people who sent the take down notices.

There is no way to tell why they delisted this content and they won't say why, but I suspect they were just sued and don't want to pay the lawyer fees or something. Maybe we need some sort of decentralized way to host take down notices since this centralized method they host has failed.

They claim it is fine since the delisted content is still on their site, but if it isn't listed in a search engine, people just aren't going to find it when they are looking for it.

It sounded like they were talking about "resources". I took that to mean they were redesigning the back end of the site to handle the all of the traffic, submissions and the confusing range of submissions they get. I dunno either. It wasn't clear.

Given their mention of "individuals" sending more takedown notices, it might well be European "right to be forgotten" bullshit.

Let's see if this mistake happens again.

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