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Bitcoinfs: A minimal full Bitcoin node in F# (github.com/bitcoinfs)
90 points by homeroot on Jan 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

i believe that there is also a full node in Erlang, so it's not the first functional language client per the blog post. still, very cool!

From their README:

   * [...]
   * Headerchain implementation (Blockchain with headers only)
   * [...]
This makes Haskoin more of an SPV client rather than a full-node client.

There is this repository[1] but I am not sure of its proper functionality plus it hasn't been updated for a long time.

[1] https://github.com/r-willis/biten

Good to see F# on hackernews.

Agreed, it'd be nicer if it wasn't a spammer though (and a pretty prolific one at that):


Shouldn't submissions and comments stand on their own merit? What does it matter who submitted it?

That the 'new' page is only so long and if people flood the new page with links hoping to gain traction with one of them then it will cause a lot of good stuff to be lost.

The OP seems to have interest in a particular topic in what he posts, and they are all from the same source. This is possibly his blog. I don't see a problem with that.

The thing to ask yourself is 'what if everybody did this'? If it doesn't work if everybody did this then it's not good. HN survives by virtue of people more-or-less being well behaved. It won't take a large number of people that submit 5 trash links to their content-free website before it will stop to work because the good stuff will be drowned right out.

From the github: "I didn't want any wallet spending functionality"

Sure wish it did everything. This could be a pretty great educational project, or a nice start to building your own altchain.

Url changed from http://talkera.org/crypto/a-minimal-full-bitcoin-node-in-f/, which points to this.

But... but... if its minimal, it can't be full.

"Full node" has a specific meaning in Bitcoin. It's a node that validates the entire blockchain and all incoming transactions, and relays transactions to peers. This is different than a "light" node or just a wallet, neither of which relay transactions, for example

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