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  Day         What I Did        TotLOC
  ---  -----------------------  ------
  Mon  Prototype Possibilities     300
  Tue  Write Building Blocks       900
  Wed  Construct Major Content   1,700
  Thu  Add Features              2,200
  Fri  Refactor, Test, Deploy      300

  Customer: Looks great. Thank you!
  Boss: Only 300 lines of code in 5 days?
  Boss: How can you be more efficient?
  Me: I could take Fridays off.

I don't understand; your numbers add up to 5400, not 300.

Total lines of code kept increasing until he was able to refactor everything on Friday and cut them back down to 300.

The final column isn't LoC written that day; it's LoC in total. Friday was spent refactoring (what we in the old days called "rewriting", before the hipsters made it cool); taking the code that was already working, and making it smaller, lighter, better.

> what we in the old days called "rewriting", before the hipsters made it cool

Calling it refactoring dates back to at least the early 90s[1], which I'm pretty sure predates "hipster hackers." If anyone "made it cool" it was probably Martin Fowler[2].

[1] http://www.ai.univ-paris8.fr/~lysop/opdyke-thesis.pdf

[2] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0201485672

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