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I have a different experience. Our heating broke on two (unrelated) occasions.

In the first case, the repairman came, fixed the thing in 20 minutes, seemed competent, and I gladly payed him.

In the second case, the company sent an inexperienced employee, who couldn't figure out the problem, and spent 2 hours trying everything before finally deciding the most expensive component needed to be replaced. I was very unsatisfied, especially since they charged me for all the seemingly pointless troubleshooting time.

So maybe it's not only important to make a lot of effort, but to also appear competent while working?

I had a similar experience with a plumber. Normally, I would have no clue how experienced the person was, but this particular person kept "missing" certain parts and had to make 3 trips to the hardware store! He only charged me for the first, but, clearly he didn't know what he was doing.

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