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Quite an interesting article. The best part is that the article does not judge. It simply lays down facts for us and leaves the opinionated part onto us.

Is this sarcasm? The article pretty clearly judges in an extremely opinionated way.

It's a shame it never actually stated the specification of the program. It seems like that would be the kind of thing you would need to know to form a fair opinion.

It's not sarcasm. I really interpreted the article this way. Might not be the correct interpretation.

You got it right.

Perhaps a better way to put it would be to say that the article teaches by demonstration instead of teaching by assertion.

But, it's a fictional story. I can make up a fictional story to demonstrate anything, regardless if it's true in the real world.

I thought this was a fictional story.

It might be, my intention was to highlight the fact that the article is laid down as a set of facts with no judgement. It's not like Charles was a hero. It just shows how Alan was rewarded. It's like reading something as simple as fate.

It might be the most fictional story ever written about programming.

It's completely ridiculous.

I don't think it's ridiculous at all. Have you ever worked in the defense industry?

Yes, actually, I have.

So this story isn't ridiculous because it applies to a niche that it never mentions?

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