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Zstandard – Fast and efficient compression algorithm (github.com/cyan4973)
113 points by jaytaylor on Jan 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

This looks very interesting. Before everybody starts making the obvious comparisons, note that this is from the same guy that made LZ4, and he is someone who clearly knows what he's doing. I've been following his work for some time.

It looks like this is the evolution of Zhuff, an experimental (closed-source) compressor [1]. It is basically LZ4 followed by a fast entropy coder, specifically FSE [2], that is a flavor of arithmetic coding that is particularly suited for lookup-table based implementations.

From a quick look at the source code it seems that the entropy stage uses 3 probability tables, one for literal bytes, one for match offsets, and one for match lengths. This is not dissimilar from gzip (which however uses Huffman).

EDIT: from a second look it seems that the LZ77 compression stage is basically LZ4: it uses a simple hash table with no collision resolution, which offers very high compression speed but poor match search. I'm surprised he didn't implement (yet?) an HC variant as for LZ4, it could even beat gzip compression rate with no overhead in decompression speed/memory requirements.

[1] http://fastcompression.blogspot.fr/p/zhuff.html

[2] https://github.com/Cyan4973/FiniteStateEntropy

I wish some of these provided static, preset dictionaries. I'm working on a packet capture system for SIP, which has a similar layout as HTTP. Thus all the common header fields and values are perfect for a preset dictionary, and in fact, the compression doesn't even need to keep any more state than that dictionary. That is, packets share more with the preset dictionary than with each other.

LZ4 allows you to "prime the stream" as it were, but I'm not sure it is really made for this scenario. As far as I can tell, I'd have to essentially have separate compression/decompression calls for each packet, resetting the state to the dictionary between each packet.

LZ4 can do that.

There is a function, called LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict() which seems to match your objectives.

In case of doubt, you should ask directly the author, at : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c

What one needs is a preset dictionary. Have a hash of it during compression and then require a preset dic on decompress that has the same hash. Should be a straightforward extension but it is a format change. I think preset dic would be useful in a lot of contexts.

But the preset dic functionality I've seen, in say, LZ4, really is just the saved state of a normal compression run. So once you start compressing, the dictionary eventually evaporates as more data does in and backreferences can no longer point back that far into the dictionary. That's fine if all your content compresses well, but if the dictionary is a far superior state...


Google's Gipfeli (https://github.com/google/gipfeli) also aims for compression ratio and time to fall in between gzip -6 and the fastest algorithms. I've only glanced at code; think it includes a Snappy/LZO/LZ4-like repeat matcher using a hashtable, combined with simple-but-fast entropy coding where each literal input byte becomes 6, 8, or 10 bits.

Super cool that Collet's working on still-pretty-fast-but-better compression out in the open.

...I don't know anything about compression, but 'gipfeli' is Swiss German for 'croissant'.


Two of Google's other custom compression tools are Zopfli (much slower zlib implementation producing slightly smaller files, for things you compress once and serve many many times) and Brotli (high-compression algorithm used in the WOFF2 font format). The bread algorithms!

I wonder how it compares to Intel's custom zlib implementation, and to a fast zlib compressor by IBM researchers.



Zstandard beats the Intel zlib tweak (as does Google's Gipfeli, mentioned in another comment) -- Intel's zlib -6 could also be described as "faster than stock zlib with only a little compression loss", but (from the chart in the Intel paper) it's "only" 1.8x faster when Zstandard is closer to 10x.

The IBM implementation's abstract mentions "a factor of 2.6x or higher" so similar deal, unless the "or higher" language hides a 10x gain. Also, abstract says they did it by taking LZ4's matcher + Zlib's entropy encoder, so they can't be expected to outperform the LZ4 author's new work. :)

Of course, those are still some great backwards-compatible gains.

Could be that on modern processors, Huffman coding just isn't the best option to make your compressor scream. Gipfeli uses a simple non-Huffman entropy code, and Collet (author of Zstandard) has been working on a state-machine-based coding approach for a while. deflate is over 20 years old, so it would make sense for it to be designed for different realities.

Speaking of chipmakers and zlib, though, Intel sells "QuickAssist" dedicated compression hardware, and AMD promises a compression accelerator in their server ARM SoC. As with AES, performance in software might come to matter less if systems start doing it in hardware. I don't know the silicon-area requirements for a compression accelerator, though (whereas AES's design was hardware-optimized), and I haven't seen any suggestion that compression accelerators are on the roadmap to be in any consumer chips.

Looks like this would be an excellent candidate for transparent compression in newer filesystems like btrfs/ZFS. Ill never go back to non-compressed filesystems for my personal machines -- btrfs w/ LZO compression has been an excellent, efficient, fast FS for me (YMMV -- I dont know that I'd use it in an important production environment).

How does it compare to lzham? That alto has some amazing speed and ratio and is zlib compatible.

This looks to compress much faster and suited for some realtime usage. lzham is OK for decompression (but still slower) and is like 8x slower on compression.

This could be a good replacement for gzip/zlib. Similar compression ratios, but much faster.

There is another variable that isn't mentioned here: memory efficiency when compressing/decompressing large files. For me it's an important feature of gzip.

I dream about 7zip adding this algorithm, having the convenience of reliability of 7zip together with the speed which would allow me to never avoid compression because it would be always almost as fast as plain copying.

Zstd and LZ4 look amazing. Here's another compressor I really like: http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html

the interface is good. :)

i can not praise that element enough. so many libraries have gigantic, needlessly elaborate interfaces, and forget to provide clean interfaces for the most common use cases. that makes it hard to use them... this however is easy to use.


Somewhat interestingly, this would do pretty well, as the semi-fictional [1] Weissman score takes into account both compression speed and ratio.

[1] http://spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/computing/soft...

P.S. Yes, semi-fictional is a perfectly cromulent description of this metric.

Do we really need to have this comment for any submission that mentions compression?

The Weissman score comment's Weissman score would be improved by merely linking to an earlier instance of the Weissman score comment.

I guess so. It is also the top comment on r/programming for this (link also contains the corresponding blog entry of the author): https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/2tibrh/zstd_a_...

Please note that the HN community takes a rather strict approach when moderating comments that contribute noise to the conversation. "Nice article!" comments are routinely downvoted. As is sarcasm, witticisms, memes, references and other styles of comments that occur frequently but do not contribute to the discussion. It's a knowingly doomed attempt to hold back the flood of noise that covers Reddit.

Why so serious?

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