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This is mindblowing.

Just check out how the original Pacman port looked on the 2600: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL2p2ANFlQ4

2600 Pacman sure does suck, but to be fair, that video was recorded on a potato at 14hz, making the flickering ghosts inscrutable instead of just annoying.

Here's one that seems to have been recorded at 60hz then downsampled to 30hz with frame interpolation for Youtube. Still shit, but at least you can tell what's going on. Kinda.


Oh, man, those sounds! Brings back a lot of memories.

Speaking of which, forget how the original port "looked", listen to the amazing things DINTAR816 is doing with his roms.

This is mind blowing... I'de say about 7 million people who purchased Pac Man for the Atari 2600 were ripped off. (Myself included.)

Think of it this way: you paid for a Kickstarter project to be delivered in 40 years time, got an early proof of concept showing game play and a nice display box, and the real thing was finished before those 40 years were up.

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