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What's pretty funny is that the new features in ES6 and ES7 makes a lot of the patterns/mishaps/X-parts from the last 15 years pretty irrelevant or less-obviously-'the way'.


  * "Class" syntax
  * Comprehensions
  * Modules
  * `let` scoping
  * Generators
It's a whole new ball game.

I think a lot (over 50%) of JavaScript devs 5 years from now will still be using <= ES5, but only because they've so settled in their ways over the last 10 years.

> I think a lot (over 50%) of JavaScript devs 5 years from now will still be using <= ES5, but only because they've so settled in their ways over the last 10 years.

Funny, I'd make the opposite prediction... the JavaScript devs I've known have been among the most curious and open-minded developers about different ways of doing things, interested in experimenting with different idioms made available by the flexibility of the fundamental language, and quick to adopt them they found them useful (possibly too quick). They're people who figured out how to get many of the benefits of the language features you've listed above starting with the language features that were available years ago.

Which kindof makes sense: everybody else was too busy complaining about function scope instead of block scope or how they couldn't get their heads around Prototypes instead of Classes or having to reason about this scope or truthy/falsey values or whichever difference/wart scared them off to bother learning to use the tools at hand.

No, my bet would be that ES6 adoption will take up a lot quicker than, say, Python 3.

(and most of the lagging will probably happen around frameworks with imported paradigms -- Angular 1.x, I'm looking at you in particular -- and other aging codebases).

> I think a lot (over 50%) of JavaScript devs 5 years from now will still be using <= ES5, but only because they've so settled in their ways over the last 10 years.

5 years from now, there will still be people whose customers require IE6 support, too. We're still working on that.

The customer I am on, still uses IE 8!

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