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RethinkDB with io.js: exploring ES6 generators and the future of JavaScript (rethinkdb.com)
67 points by mglukhovsky on Jan 17, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I like the article, and I look forward to ES6 generators.

However, if someone want the compactness of the second example today, CoffeeScript is another alternative:

    conn = undefined
    r.connect().then (c) ->
      conn = c
    .then ->
    .then ->
                   .indexCreate('geometry', geo: true).run(conn)
    .then -> 
    .error (err) ->
      console.log(err) if err.msg.indexOf('already exists') == -1
    .finally ->
      conn.close() if conn
(obviously the main benefits with generators aren't concise code, but since the article mentioned conciseness I thought I'd post the CoffeeScript equivalent)

That can be done via ES6 as well, replacing -> with => and adding parentheses for those lambdas.

True! The only difference are implicit returns and significant whitespace I guess (and trailing same-line conditionals).

(think it'll even have the skinny arrow, the fat one binds `this` too)

JS' fat arrow is also coming, which would give a similarly succinct code.

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