> the scope of what stack overflow is supposed to do: answer questions to specific problems
Honestly people should read the manual then. That will give you the specific answer to your question. Stackoverflow wanted to replace other message/discussion boards in regards to programming. It's veered away from that purpose and IMHO has become cumbersome to use. If you have to worry more about how you word your question than the question itself is it worth asking there?
The way I've always thought about and used StackOverflow is as a replacement for manuals, tutorials, and bug fixes—not at all a replacement for message boards or forums.
Honestly people should read the manual then. That will give you the specific answer to your question. Stackoverflow wanted to replace other message/discussion boards in regards to programming. It's veered away from that purpose and IMHO has become cumbersome to use. If you have to worry more about how you word your question than the question itself is it worth asking there?