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Dark Sky has been letting me down in some pretty grandiose ways over the last few months, to the point where my wife sees my unbroken faith in it as a kind of running joke.

The "Are they going to fuck things up?" section at the bottom of their post certainly sheds some light on why the reliability has dropped off of late.

For whatever reason where I live in Brooklyn is completely unreliable. If the problem is scaling, I guess it would makes sense that they're choking on the volume of users in the NYC region

Glad to see that instead of selling to the weather channel or something they're continuing to put engineering muscle behind it. Dark Sky & Forecast.io are just awesome and I really want to see these guys succeed.

Agreed. About two years ago I used to use Dark Sky Inwood amaze people with how freakishly accurate it was.

At this point I've given up. I use Forecast.io because it's a well-made app (except for no iPhone 6 update, very sad), but I completely ignore the forecast for the next hour. It's basically never correct, predicting rain far more than it ever happens and often telling me that it's raining when it's not.

I gave Dark Sky an honest shot for a few weeks, but their reliability was atrocious. Could you please explain what is responsible for your "unbroken faith"? Is there something about the idea, app, or people that I'm missing here?

Dark Sky when it worked was almost magic - it could predict precipitation to the minute. An alert would go off and you'd know you have 5 minutes to seek shelter before the rain started.. it was freakishly accurate.

The developers are an indie app store success story as well. Started the project on Kickstarter with a new way to present hyper-local weather data down to the minute, in an industry dominated by a few big players and conventional hourly forecasts based on region. Based somewhere in upstate NY if I recall too

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