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Hi there,

I see GZIP optimization and fingerprinting in your deployment overview on the homepage, but do you include any built-in support for avoiding render-blocking CSS and JavaScript? And if so, then what about handling load order and dependencies between the asynchronously loaded pieces?

It looks like your homepage actually fairs pretty poorly on PageSpeed Insights:


I realize PageSpeed scores can be something of a red herring in a lot of cases, and I'd like to know if you think it's not worth addressing. I know for my place of work, if it influences SEO to any significant degree, then it's important to my boss.

Currently we use Middleman, which from the description I saw of Cactus, would be the Ruby equivalent using Sprockets and Padrino instead of Django. We had to make a custom template with special helpers to address various PageSpeed issues. It'd be nice to have a tool that has features addressing these things out of the box though.

Anyway, great work! I think tools like this are really the future as far as content on the web is concerned.

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