Wage slavery is usually used to describe the situation where a person's wage only just pays their living expense, so they are forced to keep the job because if they lose it they will be unable to survive.
They still have free choice though, in that no one is forcing them to work.
That's quite different to "real" slavery where there is some kind of involuntary nature. In the case of bonded slavery a person is forced to work until their "loan" is paid off.
The link you supply clearly says that wage slaves do not have freedom to leave the work they're doing. They are forced to continue working, just not always with threats of violence.
You appear to be saying that "wage slavery" is clearly separate from "slavery". I am saying that there are considerable overlap between them and that most people who are "wage slaves" are just "slaves".
Your link clearly talks about forced and bonded labor. People in those arrangements are compelled to keep working by another person.
In wage slavery a person is compelled to keep working by their bodily needs. That is sad, and I would love to see the day when it isn't the case. But it isn't the same thing as being compelled by another person.
It's quite disingenuous to argue my link says that wage slaves do not have freedom to leave the work they're doing. Put in context my link says this:
"Wage slavery refers to a situation where a worker's livelihood depends on wages, especially when the dependence is total and immediate."
To make it clear: under wage slavery a person is free to leave, but must immediately find another job.
If we ignore those of us who have made their FU money, most of us differ from that situation only by degree: if we leave a job we have to find another one. Perhaps not immediately, but for many it is with a degree of urgency. Some would argue that makes us all wage slaves to some degree, and that may well be true.
But to say that is the same thing as those in actual, real chattel slavery, bonded labor or similar diminishes the real outrage we should feel at their lack of basic rights.
Wage slavery is usually used to describe the situation where a person's wage only just pays their living expense, so they are forced to keep the job because if they lose it they will be unable to survive.
They still have free choice though, in that no one is forcing them to work.
That's quite different to "real" slavery where there is some kind of involuntary nature. In the case of bonded slavery a person is forced to work until their "loan" is paid off.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wage_slavery