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One helpful thing is to separate the power aspect from the measurement aspect. Taylorism is horrific because it's used by people with power, a managerial class, to micromanage and exploit workers. But measurement on its own isn't problematic; think of the quantified self movement, or athletes who used detailed self-study to improve their own performance.

I've been on teams that did a lot of self-measurement, and it has generally been fine. But the problems I recall are when people with managerialist inclinations seize upon something measured and use it to try to sound smart or exert control. E.g., the time a CEO, on his occasional visits, noticed our project LoC measurement. We all knew the dangers of that number, and treated it very lightly. But he kept trying to do MBA math with it (e.g., $/LoC), and I ended up having to tell him that if he didn't knock it off, we'd stop displaying the metric.

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