Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not believe that the FCC would need congressional approval to do anything proposed in the parent article or what I've mentioned. They are a regulatory commission that designs and implements regulation.
I may be wrong on that, and if I am a good primer (from anyone or just link) would be nice.
Per the courts, the FCC does not have the authority to create a new classification, only Congress can do that. The FCC must apply one of the classifications to ISPs and regulate them according to that classification per the 1996 act. The FCC currently classifies ISPs as information services, and information services can discriminate because they offer a service that requires a greater level of control in order to function.
The FCC is only authorized to regulate within the bounds of the laws that granted it powers. "Title II" is not something the FCC made up, it's a law passed by congress.
And that is why a functioning congress would be nice.