Somehow Kaspersky (Russia) is in on it too? The similarities in toolchain and appearance to shamoon and darkseoul are meaningless? This is not regurgitation, this was out prior to the FBI announcement. Evidence has only grown since then.
The 2012 attack on Saudi Arabia, dubbed Shamoon, was blamed on Iran by U.S. officials, and yet researchers believe that the malware originated from hacktivists. How is that related to North Korea again, unless you're implying North Korea carried out that attack?
Your own link states: "While there is nothing in the analysis that would tie the three attacks to the same malware developers, they all used similar techniques, as well as some of the same commercial Windows drivers to attack the hard drives of their victims."
Darkseoul was blamed on North Korea as well as China only because an IP address in China seemed to be part of the campaign. South Korean officials later retracted those allegations.
Read the Kapersky analysis, it starts to answer your questions regarding the reuse of Shamoon by NK.
Doesn't matter though, my point was, this was not the media regurgitating a US gov opinion as the comment I replied to claimed.
I agree that the publically available evidence is never 100%, but the malware samples and c&c infrastructure point to NK. If you have evidence that someone else did it, that would be interesting. As it stands, NK has a very strong motive for the timing of this move, so that plus just the public info, and the FBI claim based on nonpublic info is enough to convince me they are responsible.