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The expensive mistake was to use Amazon at all. An own domain name costs about $1/month, an OVH root server less then $10. Install a minimal Debian and Linux Containers on it, and expand your own cloud, if you need it, e.g. by extending with cheap Hetzner servers.

Regardless of what service (AWS, Linode, Rackspace, OVH) if you leak keys or passwords you have the potential for costs incurred by malicious users.

I have not used OVH, but a quick perusal of the OVH API[1] suggests that you could invoke plenty of commands that would incur costs.

[1] https://api.ovh.com/console/#/order

But your app would not have any keys. You would give it a server and that would be it. There's no API use in a toy project, and so no way to leak account authentication.

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