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May I suggest the book "Waltzing with Bears" by Tom DeMarco and Lister. It's simple tag line is "risk management is project management for grown ups"

As CEO your job (IMHO!) is not to "manage" the tasks so the project hits it's deadlines. It's to ensure that the risks in the project are recognised, seen as likely to actually occur and some action is taken Beyond crossing our fingers, to ensure that the project survives the risk becoming reality.

That might mean tests, or in house developers, or encouraging people to give bad news, it might mean hiring jacques before launch, it might mean building two teams to compete for launch whatever.

Just focus on the risks. Not the nice optimum path of perfectly executed tasks.

Antifragile by Nassim Taleb is also on the same theme. He argues that human, and life in general is (or should be) designed for robustness, not for optimal. Note that is not arguing against taking risk, but for better preparation for risks (both known and unknown).

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