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Can a loading screen not be beautiful? Would the world really be a better place if we all said "very pretty" instead of "beautiful"?

Maybe you just don't like it as much as other people do. That just means your tastes differ, not that others are abusing language.

Calling everything beautiful diminishes the value of the word. And most apps posted to HN are described as beautiful. It's mostly just become filler text now. Worse, this judgment isn't coming from an impartial critic, but usually the author himself/herself. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but not telling others how to judge your product was drilled into me.

Also, being beautiful isn't an inherently valuable attribute. If your product is utterly useless, but good looking, then it's still utterly useless. Some form of user study about the utility of the aesthetic design would be a nice addition in these sorts of declarations.

I don't think the issue is with this project per se, but the trend in the presentation of these sorts of "show HN" posts.

I suspect the parent is disappointed by the lack of ambition, or maybe thinks that the PleaseWait authors are just trying to get eyeballs on their site.

The animations are pretty bog-standard, let's be honest. I'd stretch to calling them aesthetically pleasing, but there's no way I'd describe them as beautiful.

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